We have two very exciting changes going on here at AMW Studios!
The first big change is that Matt and I have launched this brand new website and blog. We’ve been hard at work (who am I kidding, Matt’s been hard at work…I’ve been taking the kids for adventures everyday!) over the last month and a half, building this gorgeous new website for us to kick of the 2015 wedding season with!! We’d love for you to take a look around and maybe even leave a comment below to let us know what you think :)!!! The second (even bigger) change is that very soon, Matt and I will be calling the gorgeous mountains of Asheville, NC home. Some of you may have heard little whispers about this, particularly if we’re friends on Facebook, but for most of you… this is probably big news!! We are over the moon excited about this new chapter in our lives. Some of the things we’re most excited about; the endless opportunities for outdoor adventure (there are some serious mountains through WNC!!), the amazing local food scene and last but certainly not least, warmer winters!! The plethora of stunning, unique locations to get married have us looking forwarding to being an Asheville wedding photographer and all the amazing weddings to come!! Don’t get me wrong…It is bittersweet, New England will always where Matt and I shared our first home together, fell in love… with each other and with photography. It is the place where our two amazing kiddo’s, Aydon and Piper were born. We also started AMW Studios in Boston 5 years ago and what a fantastic 5 years it’s been!! For that…Matt and I want to say thank you to all of our amazing couples that have allowed us into their lives. And thank you to every single photographer, friend, and family member who has ever referred a couple to us. We truly would not be where we are today without that support from so many people. Now, you New Englander’s can’t get rid of us that easy… Matt and I will absolutely continue shooting weddings (and portraits) here in New England, especially Boston and New Hampshire! We will be flying back here often through the end of 2016 (yes 2016!!) for previously booked weddings!! This is also still where much of our family is and an area that we love!! I think a better term for what we are actually doing might be… expanding to the Carolinas, stretching our legs a bit (in a warmer climate 🙂 The truth is, in this mobile/digital day-and-age…with so much of our communication being done by email, text, phone, or Skype… our business can operate successfully from just about anywhere in the world (one of the reasons we absolutely love what we do!!). I mean don’t get me wrong…There are still times when we meet our clients face to face; engagement sessions, impromptu hike in mountains, a pre-wedding planning session over a beer, the wedding day… haha. I’ll wrap up my rambling on these last notes… If you’re a current client and have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out by phone or email!! Also, we’d absolutely love to have all you wonderful people help spread the word that we’re expanding south!!! If you know anybody getting married in the Carolina’s we’d love to have you pass our name along!!! WE ARE BEYOND EXCITED FOR THIS BIG CHANGE, AND WE CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHAT THIS NEW ADVENTURE HAS IN STORE FOR US!Ariel + Matt
I’ll leave you with a couple favorite images from our very first wedding that we photographed down south at the gorgeous Montreat College just outside of Asheville! Congratulations to Rebecca and Sam, thanks so much for you having us be a part of your wedding day!! I can’t wait to share their full wedding on our blog soon 🙂

Hey Adventurers

I'm Ariel
I'm stoked you're here!
As an elopement photographer and outdoor enthusiast I get absolutely giddy with excitement when helping fellow adventure seekers, travelers, dreamers & fun-loving couples plan their experience based, intentional wedding days.
I live on the road full time traveling the country in my dream home on wheels – a 38' long fully off grid, converted bus.
Some of my favorite adventures include: Backpacking and ice climbing in Alaska, hiking the Napali Coast on Kauai, trekking in the jungles of Costa Rica.